Thief of Time (Discworld, #26)

Langue : English

Publié 12 avril 2001

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4 étoiles (2 critiques)

In Discworld, time is a resource managed by the highly capable Monks of History. Everybody wants more time, which is why on Discworld only the experts can manage it. While everyone always talks about slowing down, one young horologist is about to do the unthinkable. He's going to stop. Well, stop time that is, by building the world's first truly accurate clock. Which means esteemed History Monk Lu-Tze and his apprentice Lobsang Ludd have to put on some speed to stop the timepiece before it starts. For if the perfect clock starts ticking, time, as we know it, will end. And then the trouble will really begin.

24 éditions

a publié une critique de Thief of Time par Terry Pratchett

Arrested Development level writing, packed with smartly-handled tropes and some solid fantasy science

5 étoiles

I loved this book, it's amazing to see Susan as an adult. A ton of stuff going on, including an exploration of totalitarian societies and, as usual, human nature.

if there were rules, then they applied to everyone, even her. Otherwise they were merely tyranny.