288 pages
Langue : English
Publié 1986 par Penguin.
Bruce Sterling: Schismatrix (1986, Penguin)
288 pages
Langue : English
Publié 1986 par Penguin.
In the far future, in a solar system colonized by a strange aggregation of human cultures, Abelard Lindsay, a rogue diplomat from the Mare Serenitatis Circumlunar Corporate Republic, struggles for survival amidst powerful, advanced societies warring to control the shape of human destiny. In the complex hi tech environment known as Schismatrix, cybernetic humans (Mechanists) contend for domination against the psychologically and genetically altered Shapers, and as today's high technologies take bizarre new forms, and explosive advances in science shatter mankind into warring camps.
Schismatrix is a modern science fiction epic. Vast in scope, with dozens of characters, it covers 170 years of far future history in settings that span the solar system. In this world Sterling has built the grand tradition of SF adventure flowers again as Abelard Lindsay, exiled revolutionary, travels from world to world building and rebuilding an empire, always on the cutting edge of technological change …
In the far future, in a solar system colonized by a strange aggregation of human cultures, Abelard Lindsay, a rogue diplomat from the Mare Serenitatis Circumlunar Corporate Republic, struggles for survival amidst powerful, advanced societies warring to control the shape of human destiny. In the complex hi tech environment known as Schismatrix, cybernetic humans (Mechanists) contend for domination against the psychologically and genetically altered Shapers, and as today's high technologies take bizarre new forms, and explosive advances in science shatter mankind into warring camps.
Schismatrix is a modern science fiction epic. Vast in scope, with dozens of characters, it covers 170 years of far future history in settings that span the solar system. In this world Sterling has built the grand tradition of SF adventure flowers again as Abelard Lindsay, exiled revolutionary, travels from world to world building and rebuilding an empire, always on the cutting edge of technological change and social ferment. He uses the Mech vs. Shaper conflict for his own ends, to rise to a unique position of power and authority in the Schismatrix. Shifting, changing, fast paced, and fascinating, Lindsay's adventures redefine classic idea of space adventure for our generation.