Taru sormusten herrasta

tarkistettu suomennos, 1014 pages

Publié 2023 par WSOY.

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Originally published from 1954 through 1956, J.R.R. Tolkien's richly complex series ushered in a new age of epic adventure storytelling. A philologist and illustrator who took inspiration from his work, Tolkien invented the modern heroic quest novel from the ground up, creating not just a world, but a domain, not just a lexicon, but a language, that would spawn countless imitators and lead to the inception of the epic fantasy genre. Today, THE LORD OF THE RINGS is considered "the most influential fantasy novel ever written." (THE ENCYCLOPEDIA OF FANTASY)

During his travels across Middle-earth, the hobbit Bilbo Baggins had found the Ring. But the simple band of gold was far from ordinary; it was in fact the One Ring - the greatest of the ancient Rings of Power. Sauron, the Dark Lord, had infused it with his own evil magic, and when it was lost, he was forced to …

56 éditions


  • The Lord of the Rings
  • Fiction
  • Ficción
  • English Fantasy fiction
  • Ficción fantástica inglesa
  • Fantasy fiction
  • Fiction in English
  • Open Library Staff Picks
  • Middle Earth (Imaginary place)
  • Fiction, fantasy, epic
  • Middle earth (imaginary place), fiction
  • Baggins, frodo (fictitious character), fiction
  • Gandalf (fictitious character), fiction
  • British and irish fiction (fictional works by one author)
  • English literature
  • Frodo Baggins (Fictitious character)
  • Baggins, bilbo (fictitious character), fiction
  • Fiction, fantasy, general